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Therra Arcson



This is a painting for ~egmccann featuring one of his characters for city of heroes, Therra Arcson.

He just wanted something simple featuring some portion of her personality. After sketching out several different approaches to her various aspects, we settled on the friendly kind of playful part of her... which is a bit difficult to put down well with just one figure.

Once the pose and such was settled on, I was left with a big void for a background. For that, I decided to pull up two other aspects of the character and mash them together for a bit of color, her ability to channel electricity and her Celtic heritage. "Simple" I though, "just make some vague lighting bolts surrounded by some nice Celtic styled knot work." I have since given my room mate full permission to flay the flesh from my bones with a dull rusted spoon if I ever get it in my head to try some knot work again -it would be less painful.

Either way, the painting is at last done :D

Medium: watercolor, pen & ink, gouache, and a bit of acrylic on 300lbs hotpressed watercolor paper.
Image size
740x1028px 183.37 KB
© 2007 - 2024 graver13
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Sasss's avatar
Wow ... Gravey!!! Your art just gets juicier and juicier!!!!

You dah Man! :clap: